Roller UT&ET testing equipment CT2060UE

Small roller eddy current and ultrasonic testing equipment with fully automatic probe mechanism adjustment to adapt to different specifications of rollers. -UT detection accuracy is FBHΦ0.5 * 1.0mm, and an oblique probe is used to detect near surface defects. The detection system uses two sets of probes. -ET detection accuracy of 0.75 * 0.05 * 0.05mm, using a dual probe working station.

Automatic sheet metal water immersion ultrasonic crawler CTS40

Suitable for aerospace, automotive, military, petrochemical, electric power and other industrial fields of steel plate, copper plate, aluminum plate and related welding quality internal defect detection.

Ultrasonic testing equipment for large bearing rings CTR1840 CTR2560

Large scale bearing ring ultrasonic testing equipment with detection sensitivity FBH Φ 0.5 * 1.0mm as an artificial reference defect. The detection system uses one set of three probes. The probe control is fully automatic for adjustment. Analyze and evaluate defects by directly analyzing defect echoes or detecting the attenuation of bottom echoes.

Ultrasonic testing equipment for large bearing rings CTR3080

        Large scale bearing ring ultrasonic testing equipment with detection sensitivity FBHΦ0.5 * 1.0mm as an artificial reference defect. The detection system adopts dual axis simultaneous detection, with 3 probes in each group. The probe control is fully automatic for adjustment. Analyze and evaluate defects by directly analyzing defect echoes or detecting the attenuation of bottom echoes.

Ultrasonic testing equipment for medium-sized bearing rings

Medium sized bearing ring ultrasonic testing equipment with detection sensitivity FBH Φ 0.5 * 1.0mm as an artificial reference defect. The detection system uses one set of three probes. The probe control is fully automatic for adjustment. Analyze and evaluate defects by directly analyzing defect echoes or detecting the attenuation of bottom echoes.

Gear ring automatic liquid immersion ultrasonic flaw detection equipment CTG0515

CTG0515 is used to inspect large wind power transmission gear ring with outer diameter Φ500-Φ1500, with customized development of ultrasonic inspection probe and integrated automation and intelligent technology, which can greatly reduce the input of inspection personnel and production personnel, completely avoid human detection errors, achieve zero leakage, and guarantee product safety.


Committed to the field of non-destructive testing, visual inspection, non-standard automation, to promote the upgrading of China's precision manufacturing industry

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